Jules Bianchi + Wanda Wen = beauty!

I just ran across these beautiful gifts that Jules Bianchi shot for Wanda Wen (owner of the ever inspiring Soolip) for her new book, The Art the Gift. Aren’t they absolutely amazing?

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jessica - I LOVE hammock shots!!

Holly - Ohhhh, those are gorgeous!

giftbird - Boy, I only wish I could take photos this beautiful.

Wanda Wen - Hi Allison and James,

Thanks for the thumbs up on these pics. You both are getting a sneak peak at my first book, debuting Fall 2009 (sorry so late!), published by Potter Craft, a division of Random House. Your local bookstore should be stocking it, or at least be able to source it for you, or it will be available thru http://www.soolip.com. Keep being inspired!


Wanda Wen

James - Wow, those look amazing.

Allison - Ooh lovely! Do you know who is publishing the book? I’d like to track it down.


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