When I opened my package from Project Wedding, I squealed with delight! Simply Modern Weddings was voted “Best of Project Wedding 2008″, which is awarded to the top 5% of wedding professionals in the area. (talk about an early Christmas present!) The cool sign they sent in the package is now prominently displayed on the...
Monthly Archives: December 2008
For part 2 of my interview with Oh How Charming, Lisa wanted to share with us the design concepts and some images from one of her recent weddings. OHC: For Sara & Ian’s wedding, we mixed and matched several core design elements to create the general vibe Sara and Ian wanted (a very Tony Duquette)…mercury...
Sometimes I sit and daydream about grandiose events, and how I would plan them if given the chance. Things like soirees for Oprah, a holiday party for Conde Nast Publications, and of course the many inauguration balls that will be held for President-elect Obama on January 20, 2009. I ran across an article where designers...