new inspirational goodness!

One photographer I have fell in love with over the years is Elizabeth Messina. She is such a down-to-earth, wonderfully gifted artist…with an amazing eye for catching the beauty of a wedding day!

So I am totally drooling over her new site kiss the groom which “celebrates life, love & kisses…..through photographs and personal insights….honoring weddings, family and other love stories”. If you are new to seeing Elizabeth’s work, definitely take a stroll through her website for more eye-candy!

The photo below is just a taste of her beautiful work, and of course this amazing wedding was designed by my mentor Lisa Vorce with Oh How Charming!

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Christine Farah - Oh how I love her!! Some day when I grow up I hope I can be as cool as Elizabeth!

Ruffa - Fantastic! I found these wedding details so elegant. Nice wedding inspiration for my upcoming wedding.

James - Wow, nice photo. I just checked out her website, it’s amazing too.

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