giveaway alert…2 days left!

Thanks to everyone who emailed us to say that have already purchased tickets for A Soolip Wedding this Sunday the 29th. I hope to see you all there!:-)

However, if you haven’t already purchased your tickets, there are only 2 days left to enter our giveaway for 2 free tickets (a $70 value)! Take your fiance, your mom, or a bridesmaid..I guarantee you will have lots of FUN!

I just found out that the ladies from Junebug Weddings will be there to photograph the event, I simply adore them!

Click here for more information about the show and our giveaway. Remember that we will announce the winner on Thursday, March 26th!

Below is one of the cutest booths last year (of course it was by our friends over at Bridal Bar!)

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Yvett - That’s so fab! I’m definitely gonna tell a few bride friends of mine to enter =)

James - Nice photo, you can always count on Bridal Bar to come with something nice.

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