tweet tweet!

So after many months of putting it off, I finally signed up for Twitter!

I was very reluctant at first thinking, “who wants to read about what I am doing all day?” and GASP “what if I am not interesting enough?”! However, after much prodding from my fellow industry peeps…I finally made the dive headfirst in Twitterland. And you know what? I actually like it! So hop on over to my Twitter profile and follow me. I would love to hear from you!

Not really a Twitter person, and Facebook more your style? Then head over to the SMW Facebook page to become a fan!

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Lisa - Following! As they say, welcome to the dark side.

Yvett - Ugh twitter. My Dad sent me link for it and that’s how I joined but I’m never on it. You’ll have to tell me all about it.

James - I love the page, now you’ll always have to do something interesting, or at least say you’re doing something interesting =)

Linda Ly - Just started following your tweets! Welcome to the Twitter community!

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