photo friday!

my name is christina, i am 29, and i am in love the twilight saga…yup no shame over here! no shame that we bought our tickets for last night’s midnight showing a couple months ago. no shame that yesterday i wore my cute little “alice-inspired” outfit with the same velvet cullen family crest necklace she wears in the movie. no shame for waiting outside the theater 3 hours last night with my chair and laptop alongside my hubby, good friend yvett and her brother ryan. no shame that as soon as the movie started i screamed with delight. yup, that’s right….like i said, my name is christina and i love twilight!

in honor of new moon’s release today, i had to showcase this super cool “twilight-inspired” photoshoot shot by pure photography by lindsey tropf. now if you are familiar with the series, it’s not meant to be a replica of the story…but it’s definitely a fun twist!

for more fun details from their shoot, click here and here!

ps. i am team edward…what about you?

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by smw christina


Kim - I can’t believe how creatively awesome that is! It’s stunning!

SMW Blog - jess – it says the gown is from solution’s bridal, but i am not sure who the designer is.

Brianna Phelan - Wow, gorgeous. Beautiful :)

Jess - Hi! I love the dress in the photo! Do you have any idea who it is by? THanks!

SMW Blog - so LOVE all the twilight love!

Kimberly - OMG! That is totally my Style… Love it! Love it! Love it!

kim le - Team EDWARD all the way!!!

James - Beautiful pictures!! This is the first time I ever brought my own chair to the movies, I didn’t even do that for the Bell Biv DeVoe concert when they came to San Jose back in the 90′s. Although you’ll never catch me with a team Jacob or team Edward shirt on, I don’t mind sitting outside in the freezing cold for hours before the movie starts!

Yvett - Wahoo! I am so loving this blog and picture for Photo Friday! Team Edward all the way =)

advent calendar: day #15 » Simply Modern Weddings - [...] newest game i have my eye on? the twilight scene it trivia game! you already know my obsession with twilight, so i’d be interested to see just how much we think know about [...]

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