advent calendar: day #24

not only is today christmas eve, it’s also national eggnog day! mmm mmm…nothing like filling up on eggnog to really put me in the Christmas spirit! want to know what is the best eggnog of all time? broguiere dairy eggnog! every year since living in orange county, i search grocery stores high and low for bottles of their yummy deliciousness! if you are an eggnog fan, and you haven’t tried them…you are truly missing out!

since i can’t drink eggnog everyday, i wouldn’t mind taking a bath in it everyday! what…you say?! yup, philosophy makes a decadent smelling
eggnog bubble bath that you can soak in. just don’t go pouring alcohol in the tub!

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Brian Khang - It’s still Christmas here! Got my egg nog and Christmas tree still up! :)

James - Nice, I look forward to you smelling like eggnog everyday.

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