let’s get hitched!

it’s less than a week away till the awesomest bridal showcase of the year!

if one or more of the following apply to you, then i hope to see you at the ace hotel this sunday the 30th for the hitched event!
- you an alternative bride+groom
- you think synchronized swimming ROcks
- you would love to possibly win a vacation from ever after honeymoons
- or you just want to party it up with me in the desert

want to know what more excitement they have in store? then head over to their blog, or follow them on twitter!

be sure to snag your tickets before they sell out! hope to see you there!

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smw blog - james+e…can’t wait for our day of fun in palm springs! becca…thank you for your sweet words. i’m excited to meet you as well!!

E - Definitely looks like a great event, I love me some synchronized swimming….

Becca - Hope to see you there. Love love love your blog. Can’t wait to meet the diva behind the curtain. Track me down if you need a tour of my city! Xoxo Becca of http://www.beccahallphotography.com

James - Looking forward to this one. Synchronized swimmers are cool!

Tweets that mention let’s get hitched! » simply modern weddings — Topsy.com - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Paige Anderson Appel, christina wright. christina wright said: getting SO excited for @hitchedevent! whose lovely face will i see there? http://su.pr/2vV6AZ [...]

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