happy long weekend!

hope you all had a fabulous valentine’s week! i know there are lots of newly engaged lovebirds out there, so welcome to the fantastical world of your wedding experience!

lots more fun to come next week, but in the meantime….enjoy the long weekend!

and to put a smile on your face, here is some floral love from my girl carissa with jldesigns! (ps. i want these…in my house…right now!)

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smw blog - yup…carissa is the bomb!

Kim - teehee, these are cute!

Alex - Those are soooo cute!

Life with Kaishon - Oh my gosh.
Cutest thing I have seen all day!
Have a happy weekend! Love, Becky

Teresa - i really like this! carissa has great work!

James - Carissa always comes with something chic, i love it.

barbara dieppa - super cute and quirky .. They make me smile!

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