inspire me monday: olympic metallic!

yesterday marked the end of the 2012 summer olympics and i’m a bit sad as i’ve been hooked since the very first day. It was like i could feel the intensity of each match all the way from london, and wish i could have been there to experience it all live!!!

so to congratulate all of our amazingly talented athletes, i thought a blog post inspired all the medals they’ve worked so hard for would be fitting. i love the mixing of different metallic’s together, it creates an eclectic chic look that is picture perfect.

congratulations USA!!!


(credit: ring-vitalic photo; metallic cake-highland bakery; invitation-paper crave; metal accessories-martha stewart; dessert table-keri doolittle photography; bride-harwell photography; gowns-martha stewart)

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by smw kerisa


kate - kerisa i love love love this!!! so amazing! I felt the same energy when i was watching the games. and james is right that cake it to die!

James - As always, the US came in and did their thing =) that cake looks amazing!

inspire me monday: glamourous gold+bright colors! » simply modern weddings - [...] an cue from kerisa’s post last week on metallic designs, i was inspired to create a fun gold+color board which feels very luxe, and very now!! our team [...]

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