inspire me monday: baby james’ 1st birthday party

the fact that i am even typing “my little baby james will be 1 year old this sunday” makes me want to cry!! it seems like not that long ago we brought him home from the hospital. that moment every parent has: where they look at their sweet baby, look at each other, and then say “ummmm now what?!” gone is that little newborn who would snuggle & sleep on our chest. he is now an active little boy whose independent personality led him to boldly take his 1st steps on new year’s day…at only 9.5 months old. now he’s the king of the playground, exploring and getting into everything. i just love his playful curiosity, but also love those sweet moments where he will snuggle in my arms and be my baby as well.

this is what led me thinking about ideas for his 1st birthday party. even though some people say the 1st birthday isn’t a big deal, kids won’t remember it, blah blah, but it really is a major milestone. never in life will they grow and develop so much in one year. it also celebrates our 1st year of parenthood, we did it!! so i wanted this day to have meaning and to be something special for him.

i was inspired by one of his favorite activities…reading, and specifically bedtime stories. we’ve been reading him bedtime stories since before he was born, and it’s become something very special. it’s the time where we wind down from playing, and he snuggles up with his cozy pjs in our arms, and we are then transported to a land of imagination in his stories. as he excitedly turns the pages, touches or leans down to kiss the characters in his books, i am reminded of my own love of books as a child. there are even times where he’s quietly playing alone in his room (while i watch on the monitor) and i will see him get his books, sit down, and flip through them. then i wonder if he’s remembering the stories, the funny character’s voices, etc.? it’s just the cutest!!!

so…a bedtime story inspired party!! kids will be wearing their favorite pjs, we have a book donation going to CHOC, and some little fun activities. i am keeping as simple as an event designer can, but i did go a little crazy on some ideas. let’s just say, i have never crafted so much in my life. haha!! i am excited to share more details later, but in the meantime here’s our inspiration board created just for my little man’s big day. i can’t WAIT!!!;)

(credit: dessert table-sweet and saucy; pajamas-target; blue door-pinterest; party hats-tammy hughes photography; straws-shop sweet lulu)

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smw christina - thank you all so much for the comments and love!!! we are so blessed that we get to share in this moment with you!! @james, i promise next year will be simple. (i think) ;)

Brian Khang - I was just thinking about you guys and J5 a few weeks back and as I took a peek into your Instagram, I loved seeing him grow up 1 photo at a time. Just as we knew, you guys would make amazing parents! He’s growing up so fast now and is developing such a personality! We’re so excited to many more years of watching J5 grow up! But for now, cheers to your 1st year as parents and cheers to J5 and turning 1!

angel swanson - It has been such a joy sharing our first year of motherhood together! Love you and love little J5! I know this party is going to be nothing short of amazing <3 xoxo

James - We did it, we survived our first year of parenthood! This past year has been such an enlightening experience. just watching this little guy go from this little newborn that would sit and look at us with so much curiosity to this little body running around the house and exploring everything. I know you have a lot of goodies in store for his birthday party and I can’t wait to see them all come together.

Krista Mason - YAY! I can’t wait! Looks awesome!

kristin @ petal and thorn - i can’t believe he’s turning 1 already! it just flew by so fast. it’s been a joy watching you embrace mommyhood, even on the rough days, you seem utterly in love with your little man. can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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