Happy Anniversary Lisa and Matt!

Both Lisa and Matt are serious wine lovers. When Lisa first interviewed me, we ended up getting getting off topic of the wedding details and decided to just chat about our love of wine the rest of the time. (I think it ended up being well over a 2 hour meeting!) From that moment, I had a place for her in my heart…I mean come on, she loves wine!

Staying true to their love of wine, Lisa and Matt wanted to encorporate these details into their wedding at the Fullerton Arboretum. Once again, I got to work with “amazing Allison” from Flower Allie. The following photos are from Christine Marie Photography.

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Dotun - stunnning shots, well done.

Heather - Yay! Happy Anniversary to them!
Those are some beautiful pictures. Love the details to incorporate the wine. And I love her bouquet…Ah…I want another wedding :)

Jasmine* - I love this idea of wishing your clients Happy Anniversary…I can’t wait to start doing this with my own clients!! :)

James - That was such a nice wedding, it’s so hard to believe that a year has went by. Happy Anniversary Lisa and Matt. Matt, if you ever happen to read this, you better be practicing your guitar.

Yvett - ah what a gorgeous wedding. Love their cork place cards. Really cute. :-)

Sara - AWWW Happy Anniversary Lisa&Matt!! It certainly was a very gorgeous day :) Love the centerpieces!!

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