playful party in popping pink!

i love color. no, i really really love bright colors!!! especially for things like clothes, weddings, home decorating, or like in this case…a party!

a few weeks ago, i ran across these amazing images of audrey’s 1st birthday party and almost fell out of my chair and cracked my head! okay, probably not as dramatic…but i really think that abby of style me pretty seriously rocked the bubblicious (um thinking pink, okay?) out of her daughter’s birthday party. with abby’s blog full of so many inspiring wedding details, i am not surprised that she found some great DIY ideas to include for audrey’s birthday bash!

i just adore the bubble tin favors, the drink stirrers, as well as the petting zoo. this is one fantastically adorable 1st birthday party! not only is it super cute and full of fabulous details, but it looks like audrey had lots of fun too!

studio foto is blowing me away right now with these detail shots below! for more great photos from the party, check out studio foto’s blog…and to get more details about the party, check out abby’s post i, ii, iii, and iv!

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kristin @ The Treasured Petal - that color pink makes me happy!

James - Those are some nice colors. I like the different variations of pink. I bet those cupcakes taste good too =)

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