The Secret to a Fabulous Dinner Party!

Jenn…all I have to say is I Love You! The Jenn I am referring to is the founder of Hostess with the Mostess. If you follow my blog, you probably know that HWTM is one of my favorite sites. I just love all the entertaining ideas they have…it just makes me want to have a dinner party everyday!

Most people get intimidated by hosting a party because they think of all the work that goes into it, but it doesn’t have to be that way. This is why I like HWTM, they have the best ideas for decor and entertaining…without all the crazy muss or fuss. Really it’s about picking a theme and carrying it throughout your party. They have great tablescapes that can be easily created from items you can pick up at Target or cb2 to piece together the perfect party. Not to mention the recipes…yummy! I love all the recipe ideas; oh it is getting me hungry right now!

Here is a smart theme for your next holiday party from HWTM, inspired by peacock feathers. (you know I LOVE my aqua blue!)

LOVE the peacock accent in the napkin fold

Bar setup decor

and a little Ginger-Pear Martini…nice!!!

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marissa - just cruizin your blog…again…love it
these are my wedding colors…teal,limish green and LOTS OF WHITE! yum

feistync - this is my signature color combination, and yet it still offers me inspiration. thanks!

Rhonda Gail - I love it! This is one of my favorite color combinations. So fun.

Lauren - I love the color palette! Almost the same colors I have in my logo :D I love how vibrant they are. Thanks for the link!

Jennifer Johnson - I love love love these colors AND I love that blog too! Great ideas! This is a fav post of hers due to the “Jenn” martinis in a bottle. Yum…..

Yvett - Dude, thanks for blogging about this website, I love Hostess with the Mostess. So many ideas and fabulous pictures. YOU ROCK!

Heather - I love her website now too, thanks to you. :P
I’ll have to check out where she got all of those peacock feathers from. I did some invites last year where the bride was having peacock feather accents and I couldn’t find a darn thing anywhere! I ended up finding a clip art that I had to change to use for her monogram. It would’ve been nice to use a real peacock feather somewhere though.

Michelle - So pretty, tropical with a holiday twist! Love it ;)

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